Avalon Public School

Opportunity, Learning, Community

Telephone02 9973 1439


Moving to high school

Moving into Year 7 in a NSW Government school in 2023

In NSW government schools, moving from primary school to high school is called the 'Year 6 to Year 7 transition' or simply 'high school transition'.

If you would like your child to attend a government high school in 2023, you will need to complete an expression of interest for Year 6 to 7 transition. The expression of interest lets you indicate which school(s) you would like your child to attend in Year 7. After you submit this expression of interest and it has been assessed, your child will be offered a place at a government high school.

Need help filling the expression of interest?

The expression of interest form should be completed in English. If you require an interpreter to assist you please call the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. This service will be free of charge to you. You can also contact your child’s primary school for assistance.

Expressions of interest for Year 7 in 2023 have closed

If you have any questions, concerns or have missed the deadline, please contact your child's primary school.

Please note that placement in selective schools, support classes and some specialist schools is not supported by this expression of interest process.

More information on these settings and how to apply for placement:

Specialist schools provide a secondary education which focuses on a specific talent or interest. Specialist schools have been established for creative arts, performing arts, languages, technology (including marine technology and rural technology), agriculture and sport. In some of these specialist schools the criteria for enrolment can include performance or audition.

Applications for a specialist stream are made at the high school. Please contact the high school for further information.

Enrolment arrangements for students with disability and additional learning and support needs are the same as for all students. Your child’s primary school principal will assist you to find the right schooling option for your child, taking into account your choice, your child’s specific additional learning needs and proximity to local specialist services.

Students with a confirmed disability may be enrolled in any one of the following:

Selective high schools cater for academically gifted students with high potential who may otherwise be without sufficient classmates of their own academic standard.

The application process for entry into a fully or partially academically selective school begins when the student is in Year 5.

There is more information available about selective high schools and opportunity classes.

Placement not required in a Government high school

Please advise your primary school if your child will not require a placement in a government high school next year.

Your primary school needs to know so they may support your child’s transition and the department can fulfil its duty of care to all students.

Things to know

Local high school

Most NSW Government schools have local enrolment areas with geographical boundaries. Your child’s permanent residential address determines which high school's boundary they fall within. The School Finder can help you locate your child’s local high school.

Please note: Your child is entitled to a place at their local high school. However, it is still important that you complete the expression of interest so that your school can support your child’s transition.

Out-of-area high school

You may have reasons for choosing a non-local high school. However, schools may only consider out-of-area enrolment applications if places are available at the school. Schools that can enrol out-of-area students may require expressions of interest to be assessed by an enrolment panel. Expressions of interest are assessed when the number of out-of-area applications received exceeds the number of places available.

Please note: On the expression of interest, you can choose up to three out-of-area schools in order of preference.

Overview of the moving to high school process

The Year 6-7 expression of interest allows you to select up to three preferences besides your local high school, and the process has three rounds that take place over the course of a year.
Below are the key dates you need to be aware of.

Note: The expression of interest closes on 18 Mar 2022. Please make sure you complete and submit the expression of interest before that date.

March 2022

Submit an expression of interest

You complete the expression of interest form and return it to your primary school. They will review and pass on the expression of interest to your local high school, and if applicable, to your first preference school.

When completing the form, you will be required to provide your child’s residential address. The primary school may get in touch with you if there are differences between the information you provide and the information the school has on record.

Incorrect information may result in your expression of interest being withdrawn and/or any decisions made by high schools based on incorrect information may be reversed.

June 2022

At the end of round 1:

If you have only selected your local high school:

Your local high school has been sent your expression of interest and they will contact you.

If you have selected any out of area high schools:
Your first preference school has been sent your expression of interest. They will assess, and if you are successful, the school will contact you to inform you of the next steps.
In this event, you will not receive offers from any other schools that are lower in preference.

If you are unsuccessful, the school will let you know. They may place you on a waiting list and inform you if a place becomes available. Your expression of interest will be forwarded to your next school.

July 2022

At the end of round 2:

Your second preference school will have assessed your expression of interest.

If you are successful, the school will contact you to inform you of the next steps. In this event, you will not receive offers from any other schools that are lower in preference.

If you are unsuccessful, the school will let you know. They may place you on a waiting list and inform you if a place becomes available. Your expression of interest will be forwarded to your next school.

If you did not put a second choice on your expression of interest, then your local high school will be informed and they will be in touch with you.

August 2022

At the end of round 3:

Your third preference school will have assessed your expression of interest.

If you are successful, the school will contact you and inform you of the next steps.

If you are unsuccessful, the school will let you know. They may place you on a waiting list and inform you if a place becomes available. Your child is entitled to a place at their local high school, they will contact you to inform you of the next steps.

September 2022

Confirmation of placement

You will receive an application to enrol at one of the out-of-area schools listed in your expression of interest OR your local high school, depending on the outcome of your expression of interest.

October - December 2022

Orientation at high school

Your child will be invited to orientation activities at the high school they will be enrolled in for Year 7, 2022.

January 2023

Your child begins their first day of Year 7.

Need help?


If you feel you have been treated unfairly or that the result of deliberation at out-of-area school(s) is unreasonable, you may lodge an appeal in writing to the secondary school principal.