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Avalon Public School

Avalon Public School

Opportunity, Learning, Community

Telephone02 9973 1439



Avalon Public School is a dynamic school where parents and a committed staff work in partnership to enhance
educational achievements and opportunities for all students across all stages of learning.

Click through to our latest newsletter Wavelength

Opportunity Classes for 2025

Letter and application        Information

Enrolments Open for Kindergarten 2025

Parent Information Booklet

School Tour dates

Kindergarten Orienation



More Information About Our School

Parent Information Booklet. This document contains important information that parents, carers and community members new to the school will find useful.

Keeping an eye on water and electricity usage

Last week @sumsgroup installed a utility consumption display, SUMS vista, in our school foyer. You can look at how much water and electricity we are consuming each day, how much we have consumed last month and how we are performing compared to the other schools. Vista gives us a grade A, B or C depending on how good we are! Please discuss with your children to make sure we are all doing our best to save water and electricity. Avalon Public School wants to engage the whole school community supporting our sustainability education efforts!